Real-Time Analysis
You can see the real-time data about the mini program on the current date. You can also select one day before the current date or a time period from any date in the past week to the current date.
You can benefit from the following features:
- Overview
You can see a data overview of the current date and daily growth rates of the following items:
- Number of users calculated by the user ID
- Number of users calculated by the device ID
- Page visits
It's also supported to select one day before the current date to view the data.
- Page Visits
You can select a time range to check the performance of every single page in a table, which includes the following fields:
Page Path
New Visits by Shared Users
Time on Page (sec)
Shared Users
Total Shares
- Version Adoption
You can select a time range to see the ratio of different mini program versions that are used by users.
- Payment Success Rate
You can see the payment success rate that is calculated by the total number of payment requests and the number of successful payments. The my.tradepay JSAPI is called for this capability.