Mini Program Types

When you create a new mini program, you can choose the mini program type, which can be:

  • Default (DSL): Native mini program
  • PWA (HTML5): Progressive Web App (PWA)

Native mini program

Native mini programs call native APIs provided by the wallet app directly. For the functionality introduction about native mini programs, see Manage Mini Programs.

Progressive Web App

PWAs are embedded with web pages and call native APIs provided by the wallet app through bridges. The overall Mini Program Manage functionalities are the same with that of native mini programs, but have slight difference between two mini program types. The difference exists in the following aspects:


Difference description

Create the mini program

The Entrance URL field is required. Entrance URL is the entrance of the PWA. You can modify the entrance URL after the PWA is created.

Develop the mini program

The IDE is not required for the PWA development. 

Publish the mini program

  • The publishment steps are simpler than that of native mini program. The package build process is not required.
  • When you submit the publishment application, you need to review the mini program information. If all required information is filled, submit the application. If some required information is missed, fill out the information under Mini Programs > Info.

Approve the application

When workspace admins approve the PWA publishment application, the step of mini program quality review is not supported.

Table 1. Difference for PWA


After you update information, such as client ID, under the Configuration tab, you must save the changes that you made:

  • If an unpublished PWA version exists, all changes can be saved for the current unpublished version.
  • If no unpublished PWA version exists, all changes can be saved for a new version.